Saturday, August 14, 2010


As I've been telling whoever I've talked to so far.. all I've been doing is eating. There was no exception on our way to our timeshare in Washington. We stopped in Seattle for Pike's Market. It was definitely busy for a weekday and the seafood restaurant (Lowells) was overpriced/overrated, but we picked up some yummy food for dinner. I'll just let your imagination fill in the rest. Hard Rock Cafe. Cheesecake! Starbucks. Sashimiii.
One of the famous signs for the Public Market in Seattle
As Seen on the Food Network - on an episode of the Best Cheeses
Mexican Chocolate, Lemon, White Chocolate Raspberry, Quadruple Chocolate. DROOL.
Inside the very first STARBUCKS! ever.
We had to get some coffee, of course. <3
Pike's Place Fish Market (where they throw fish when you order)
The tempting display of crabs....
OUR DINNER. sooooo good. fresh salmon and albacore from the market.

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