Sunday, September 2, 2012

When in Baden-Baden...

Baden-Baden is a very quaint town that specializes in leisure. I say this because the highlights include a casino and a "spa."

The casino has an old-money luxury feel. The casino games are imported and many require an attendee to distribute cards and chips. Ever seen a roulette table like this?
In order to enter the casino during operating hours, men must wear a sports coat and tie. In fact, if you don't bring one with you, you can rent them from the front desk. I'm glad we took a tour, but we didn't actually come back for the nightly festivities.
I say that when you travel, you should live like the locals. I mentioned earlier that his town is known for luxury and relaxation. Baden-Baden is known for it's hot spring water. We were able to try this hot mineral spring water in the Trinkhalle.
The other popular hot spot is the hot spring spa called Friedrichsbad. It was partially sauna, hot springs, cold pools, massage, shower, etc. This was originally a bath for the Romans. The catch is that it's entirely nude. Here's my confession, I did it! I "indulged." For about $40, I decided to skip the hike with my family and check out the hot springs. It was quite the European experience.  I have some funny stories, but in the end I'm glad I mustered the confidence to go. Would I do it again? Probably not.

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